Exercise to develop Grit
The digital strategy studio
Addressing the root causes of strategy implementation failure requires more than just reading a book; it demands practical training.
To help you succeed in this endeavour, we have created the Digital Strategy Studio to complement the book.
Imagine having your own workspace where you can build the determination needed to execute your strategy effectively while crafting the initial version of your plan.
This workspace allows you to create the deliverables from all the methodology chapters described in the book.
This is precisely the aim of the digital strategy studio.
You'll be inspired by example deliverables and video presentations.
You'll have access to templates, models and workspaces where you can work with guidance.
To speed up your strategy shaping, you'll learn how to use artificial intelligence to obtain relevant facts and descriptions about your own company, businesses in the same industry, your industry, your market and current external forces that will influence the industry and strategy.
The studio will be available to purchasers of the book and clients who engage expert assistance.
We utilised artificial intelligence to generate an image representing our vision for the Digital Strategy Studio. While we have not yet fully realised this vision, we are making progress towards it...